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Combatting Anti-Trans Misinformation and Disinformation
This page contains resources that aim to assist trans and gender diverse people and their allies in combating misinformation and disinformation about trans and gender diverse people and their medical gender affirmation.

Trans Justice Project. A suite of resources that provide insights into how to identify anti-trans disinformation and strategies for formulating responses to common myths.
Living True, Living Better. An evidence-based resource pack countering harmful disinformation about gender-affirming healthcare for trans and gender diverse young people, created by Transcend Australia, in partnership with AusPATH and supported by Equality Australia and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia.
Dispelling the Myths About Trans People. A plain-language resource that addresses some of the common myths about trans people, by Trans Health Research.
Trans Women in Sport: What Does the Science Say? A plain-language resource addresses some of the common myths and disinformation about trans women in sport, by Trans Health Research.