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Employment and Study

This page contains information about navigating the workplace and tertiary studies as a trans person, workplace rights, and LGBTIQA+ job boards, unions, and employment support. For information about community acronyms, see this page.

A non-binary construction worker
A non-binary construction worker, photographed by FG Trade on iStock.

LGBTI Jobs. National LGBTI job board connecting graduates and jobseekers with organisations actively engaged in LGBTI inclusion initiatives.

Respect@Work. A collaboration between unions, employers, and employer associations with resources about respectful workplaces. This page has information on training for employers, non-binary inclusion in the workplace, and gender affirmation policies.

Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Alliance. National peak body for sex workers and sex worker organisations. Vixen is a Victorian member organization with a trans-specific peer support outreach project.

Work & Workplaces. Information about navigating the workplace and your rights at work, including a Gender Affirmation Policy and Guidelines template developed with ACON’s Pride in Diversity.

Pride in Diversity. This ACON initiative offers inclusion training for employers and has a list of LGBTI inclusive employers.

A disabled trans woman speaking to her colleague on the phone
A disabled trans woman speaking to her colleague on the phone, photographed by Marcos on Adobe Stock.

Rainbow WISE Employment Program. LGBTIQA+ tailored employment program for job seekers, available in Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney.

Fitted For Work. Job seeking support service for women, non-binary, and gender-diverse people, including help finding gender-affirming professional clothing. They operate nationally and have offices in Melbourne and Sydney.

Queer Unionists in Tertiary Education. QUTE is the LGBTIQA+ network within the National Tertiary Education Union.

We Are Union – Pride Network. A collective of LGBTIQA+ unionists in VIC, organized by the Victorian Trades Hall.

National Union of Students. The NUS have queer officers, who can help connect you with your campus LGBTIQA+ student collective.


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