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Eating Disorders
This page contains resources for trans and gender diverse people about eating disorders and disordered eating.

Being non-binary and having an eating disorder: A trans person’s experience. A personal story by Stevie Lane.
Transhub. Information about body image and eating disorders by and for trans and gender diverse people.
Body Pride. Online resource that includes tips and advice specifically for LGBTQIA+ individuals experiencing eating disorders and body image concerns, by Butterfly.
Gender, sexuality and eating disorders podcast. A 25-minute podcast about eating disorders and body image issues in LGBTIQA+ people, by Butterfly.
Butterfly National Helpline. National Australian helpline, webchat and email service for anyone experiencing an eating disorder or body image issues.
Inside Out. Information about eating disorders in trans and gender diverse people from the Institute for Eating Disorders.
Everybody Welcome. A list of resources, information, and services related to eating disorders and disordered eating in the LGBTIQA+ and broader community.
Eating Disorders Victoria. Information about eating disorders and LGBTIQA+ communities, with a link to the BLOOM Support group, exclusively for LGBTIQA+ community experiencing eating disorders.
Paved the Gold Podcast. A 90-minute podcast about eating disorders in trans and gender diverse people, with lived-experience researcher, Kai Schweizer.
Research Webinar. A 60-minute webinar on the latest research on eating disorders in LGBTQIA+ and gender diverse people.