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Key Definitions

This is a list of commonly used terms. Definitions have been sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, TransHub, the World Health Organisation, and GLAAD, and through consultation with the trans community.

In some contexts, such as in research and health policy, it is appropriate to use umbrella terms. In these guidelines, for example, we use the term trans as an umbrella term for people whose gender differs from what was recorded for them at birth. On an individual level, however, it is best practice to use the language that an individual uses for themselves.

Badges arranged in a circle, displaying the colours of LGBTQIA+ flags, photographed by Jigar Panchal on Unsplash.
Badges arranged in a circle, displaying the colours of LGBTQIA+ flags, photographed by Jigar Panchal on Unsplash.
Birth recorded, assigned, or presumed.

The attribution first made on a birth record where individuals are typically categorised as being either male or female, based primarily on visual inspection of the genitalia. Babies are generally presumed a gender based on this attribution, most people agree with the presumptions made for them (cisgender) and some don’t (trans). AFAB/PFAB are acronyms for Assigned female at birth/Presumed female at birth. AMAB/PMAB are acronyms for Assigned male at birth/Presumed male at birth.


Sometimes spelled ‘Brothaboy’. A term used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to describe gender diverse people who have a male spirit and take on men’s roles within the community. Brotherboys have a strong sense of their cultural identity. Please note, ‘Brotherboy’ may also be used by Aboriginal people to refer to cisgender men in the Aboriginal community.


A term used to describe people who identify their gender as the same as what was recorded for them at birth (boy/man or girl/woman). ‘Cis’ is a Latin term meaning ‘on the same side as’.


Sometimes referred to as cisnormativity and cissexism, is the assumption that all people are cisgender, the reinforcing of rigid gender norms, and a foundational driver of gendered violence. It is a structural stigma that denies, ignores, and pathologises the trans experience and trans people. Cisgenderism positions expansive expressions of gender as a problem, ignores the validity of non-binary genders, and seeks to enforce traditional gender roles and inequalities.

A trans woman wearing an orange dress
A trans woman, photographed by Annie on Adobe Stock.

Gender refers to a person’s deeply felt, internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond to the person’s physiology or recorded sex at birth. This may be called gender identity, or simply gender (e.g., man or male, woman or female, non-binary, agender).

Gender affirmation.

Sometimes referred to as gender transition, this is the personal process or processes a trans person determines is right for them to live as their defined gender and so that society recognises this. Gender affirmation may involve social, medical and/or legal steps that affirm a person’s gender.


A term sometimes used for people who have a variation in sex characteristics – they are born with naturally occurring and very normal differences of chromosomes, gonads (ovaries and testes), hormones, and/or genitals. There are more than 40 different ways to be intersex. Trans and intersex are not the same thing. Some intersex people are trans but most are cisgender. More can be learnt about variations of sex characteristics through Intersex Human Rights Australia.

A non-binary person holding the non-binary flag
A transsexual non-binary person holding the non-binary flag, photographed by Javi Sanz on iStock.

This is an umbrella term for any number of gender identities that sit within, outside of, across or between the spectrum of the male and female binary. A non-binary person might identify as genderfluid, trans masculine, trans feminine, agender, bigender etc.


A person’s sex is based upon their sex characteristics, such as their chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. While typically based upon the sex characteristics observed and recorded at birth or infancy, a person’s reported sex can change over the course of their lifetime and may differ from their sex recorded at birth.


Sometimes spelled ‘Sistagirl’. A term used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to describe gender diverse people that have a female spirit and take on women’s roles within the community, including looking after children and family. Many Sistergirls live a traditional lifestyle and have strong cultural backgrounds. Please note, ‘Sistergirl’ may also be used by Aboriginal people to refer to cisgender women in the Aboriginal community.

Trans/trans and gender diverse.

These are inclusive umbrella terms that describe people whose gender differs from what was recorded for them at birth. It is inclusive of a large range of genders including trans man, trans woman, non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, agender, Sistergirl, Brotherboy, and more. Trans is also shorthand for transgender and transsexual.

A trans man with a beard
A trans man, photographed by Oscar on Adobe Stock.
Trans man.

A trans man is someone who is a man, or has a present experience of manhood, and who was recorded female at birth. This can include trans men, trans masculine people, and more.

Trans woman.

A trans woman is someone who is a woman, or has a present experience of womanhood, and who was recorded male at birth. This can include trans women, trans feminine people, and more.


A transgender person is someone whose gender differs from what was recorded for them at birth. It is important to note that there are some people who are transsexual and not transgender, therefore trans (rather than transgender) is considered a more inclusive umbrella term.


A transsexual person is someone who has changed, or who seeks to change, their sex through medical interventions. This includes, but is not limited to, hormones and surgeries. This term may also be used by people who do not pursue medical interventions. Unlike orientation-related terms like heterosexual and homosexual, the "sex" in this term refers to the changing of a person's sex characteristics, or to affirm another sex. Transsexual is sometimes referred to as an outdated term (e.g., GLAAD). However, there are some people who are transsexual and not transgender, and it is important to use the language that an individual uses for themselves.



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