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Sasha Bailey
Research Staff Member

Sasha is a Research Fellow within the Trans Health Research Group. She is currently working on the development and evaluation of a digital peer support suicide prevention program for trans people on a waitlist for initiating gender affirming hormone treatment ('Thriving Transitions') and also leading and contributing to a number of outputs utilising data from the 'TRANSform' cohort, the largest ongoing longitudinal study of the health and wellbeing of trans people in Australia.
Sasha's PhD thesis - undertaken at The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of Sydney - was entitled 'Advancing the epidemiology and prevention of mental ill-health, substance use, and their co-occurrence among gender and sexuality diverse young people in Australia'. Submitted for assessment on 28th February 2025, her thesis comprised nine empirical chapters (10 peer reviewed publications total).
Sasha has broad public health research interests in mental ill-health prevention, substance use harm reduction, digital interventions, youth and adolescence, and school-based preventative approaches.