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Trans Health Care

This page contains information about medical gender affirmation, and how and where to access trans health care in Australia. For information about community acronyms, see this page.

Reandron testosterone in a brown vial
Reandron testosterone, which is prescribed to some trans people.

Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy

There is a lot of information out there about gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT). Not all of it is correct, and some of it might be applicable elsewhere, but not in Australia. Here are some reliable Australia-specific resources.

Options for Testosterone in Australia. Information about the changes to expect from testosterone and the types of testosterone available in Australia.

Testosterone Information Sheet. Information sheet about testosterone designed in easy-to-understand language for community members.

Options for Oestrogen, Anti-Androgen, and Progesterone in Australia. Information about the changes to expect from oestrogen, anti-androgen and progesterone and the types of treatment available in Australia.

Oestrogen and Anti-Androgen Information Sheet. Information sheet about oestrogen and anti-androgens designed in easy-to-understand language for community members.

Medical Gender Affirmation in Non-binary People. Information about how common medical gender affirmation is in non-binary people, and the varied approaches to hormones and surgeries.

Medical Affirmation (TransHub). Introduction to medical gender affirmation, including hormones and surgeries.

A trans person with their doctor
A trans person with their doctor, photographed by FG Trade on iStock.

Finding a Doctor 

Unfortunately, health professionals in Australia are rarely provided training about trans health. This means that many trans and gender diverse people will try and find a doctor who is recommended by the community and knowledgeable about trans health. Below are several directories to help find a suitable doctor for your location and needs. Additionally, state-based and regional LGBTIQA+ and trans support services can often provide more local information.

Accessing Hormone Therapy in Australia. Information for people over the age of 18 about what the process of being prescribed hormones looks like and how to find a prescribing doctor.

AusPATH Providers List. A national directory of trans health care providers who are members of the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH).

DocDir. A national directory of trans health care providers, that allows you to search by location and type of health service you are looking for. A national directory of trans health care providers, run by trans community volunteers.

A trans man who has had top surgery
A trans man who has had top surgery, photographed by Natalia Blauth on Unsplash.

Treatment Guidelines

In Australia, there a treatment guidelines for the initiation and monitoring of gender affirming hormone therapy in trans and gender diverse adults. These guidelines have been designed with the trans community, and are based on an Informed Consent Model of Care. Until we have Australia-specific gender affirming surgery guidelines, many (but not all) surgeons follow the WPATH Standards of Care, and may require a ‘WPATH letter’ as a criteria for surgery.

AusPATH Australian Informed Consent Standards of Care for Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy (2024). Australian protocols for the initiation of gender affirming hormone therapy for trans and gender diverse adults.

WPATH Standards of Care for the Health Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8 (2022). International guidelines for the treatment of trans and gender diverse adults, adolescents and children.

Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents v1.3 (2020). Australian protocols for the treatment of trans and gender diverse children and adolescents.


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